Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hello all of you hundreds and hundreds of readers!

We have not been up to much since Thanksgiving. Damon went back to school yesterday and Ellis and I whined about it for a while before we went to smell Christmas trees at Lowe's.

Also, last night I went to see Breaking Dawn with my frans... It was horribly awesome and awesomely horrible.

The soundtrack though, was pretty good. One day I might buy it.

Also, I go home to Texas in like 12 days, which is going to be awesome. We bought Ellis a tent to sleep in during our travels, so I really hope he digs that.

That's about all for us, nothing exciting at all.

Also, Ellis and his Uncle Jake. Exact same age, face, and hair. Weird?


Jennifer Karyn said...

that face is awesome.

Morgan said...

at least you know what to look forward to! :)

i see you too...