Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today I am grateful for new babies.  There are so many right now!  Everybody I know who was due this month has already delivered!  What the- why didn't I get to go into labor a couple of weeks early? Or even on time??  And I think they all had super fast deliveries, especially for first babies.  Lucky girls!  I am so jealous they are loving on those little newborns!

I'm so grateful that I myself got to do that just some months ago (wait, over 8? seriously?), it was the coolest thing I've ever done.

ahh, memories...

I think I'll be like Michelle Duggar and do it 20 times.

I wish I could hold each one of them- little Henry and Carly and Owen... And, the Daybook baby? That counts too right?  And Jeni, who is having her baby tomorrow, little Landon....

Can't wait to do it again... eh, eh?

Also, I am grateful that we have a central vac in this apartment. Not because we use it. (does anybody use those??? they seem like more of a hassle than a normal vacuum?) Because it entertains Ellis for at least 20 minutes straight. We have one central vac port that is right above one of those door stop spring things that makes the huge noise when you flick it? Yeah, that one is like heaven to him.  Here he is playing with the dining room one while we ate dinner:

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