Wednesday, January 19, 2011


well changing the blog around only took me almost 3 hours. and i don't even love it. i just realized that even though it told me the blog was 1000 pixles and even though that's how wide i made my header, it still cut it off. rude. now that's all i can see.  i'll have to re design it, but it took so long that i can't open photoshop again or i'll go crazy... but at least it's different, and now i can go watch teen mom 2 in peace. that crazy janelle, what a fool.

i wish i had a pizza right now. i could eat pizza for every single meal. yummm.

been a slacker updating with pictures lately, i'll try to do better, hopefully a new post later today with a new picture and something funny to say. maybe, maybe not, but hopefully.

1 comment:

Jennifer Karyn said...

Um I love your new lay out and I'm totally jealous. I need to figure out how to do cool stuff like that.

i see you too...