Monday, June 15, 2009

it has been raining like cray here the last couple of weeks... i think today is the first that it hasn't since my birthday or something. it's been pretty cool- in the 70's , and we haven't even hit 90 yet this summer, which is really odd. the rain has had it's fun moments though. the other night damon and i went and played in it... but only for a few minutes cause it was so freezing cold. 

best rainbow these storms has produced so far... i was going to get my paycheck when i was passing the temple and saw an ammAAAZIng rainbow, so i had to race back home to get my camera. by the time i got back, the rainbow had faded a little, but it was still cool

1 comment:

Erin said...

That's an awesome picture!

i see you too...