Sunday, August 23, 2009

one time we got engaged...

and it went like this:

drive drive drive to Spokane on a friday afternoon. we got there and went straight to Damon's family cabin on one of the lakes nearby, where a couple of his siblings and their families were hanging out. we decided we wanted to go wakeboarding pretty soon after we got there so we all changed and went down to the boat. it was really cold and cloudy and starting to drizzle so we wanted to get out quick, but Damon decided he needed to go to the bathroom and he didn't want to jump in the freezing water yet since he wasn't boarding first. so he runs back up into the house. a few minutes later his sister, Sharee (i have no idea how to spell names) asked me to come help her get more towels, so we went up and she was all, 'hey, you go grab drinks from the cooler on the deck and i'll get the towels'... 
and i did. 
and the cooler was allllllll the way at the end of the deck by a bedroom door, which i thought was a weird place for a cooler. anywho, i opened the cooler and saw this:

except all i really saw was the flowers. and i was really confused. then i saw the ring kinda and then i was really confused. (Damon had told me they couldn't get my ring - the size was being special ordered anyway- till the next week. he even had our friend matt, who was friends with the owner of wilson's and was trying to get the ring faster, text him on our drive up saying 'hey, sorry i couldn't get the ring faster, i promise it'll come in later') the only other person out there was tyler, but i didn't even notice he was following me taking pictures. anywho, damon came out the door like this (he had to get the flowers out of the cooler cause apparently i slammed it shut after i saw it):   

i was completely surprised, we'd only been there about 20 minutes... 

then we had to try to get the ring on. it fits perfect except for that one knuckle that got broken the day after we first held hands. that never got much smaller. 

got it on! my finger hurts. my heart is excited though
so excited!


Jennifer Karyn said...

so exciting :D

Catherine said...

a) this is amazing.
2) i love your ring. i LOVE your ring. can I say it again? I LLOOOVE your ring!
d) what was the date again? Can I please come? And will you be in Utah next week/week after that? cause I will...most likely.

p.s. i "preda" you? haha weird.

The Halls said...

yippity do da yippity a, i am so excited everything is going so great, so many blessing finally coming your way, thankful that Damon has such great taste!!! (to the tune of zippity doo da)

i see you too...