Wednesday, August 27, 2008

where have you been?

yeah i'm sure you've just been wringing your hands waiting for my personal update on life here in provo... i'm at kristi's new place using internet (we still don't have it- annoying!) so i figured i might as well post something. things have been calm and good the last few weeks, just lots of work, some playing here and there, and getting ready for everybody to come back to provo... it's a strange thing, being graduated from college and living in a college town- everyone is bummed that they have to buy textbooks and give up their days at the pool and roadtrips- and nothing has to change at all for me... except for the fact that nobody will be around to play with me. =) my summer doesn't have to end, except that my summer fun is conditional on the people around me- 99% of which are in school and heading back to class this week. looks like i'm a real adult now...

work is good, crazy, my co-worker megan, who is the other team captain on our unit, is moving to idaho... IDAHO!!! what am i gonna do without her, i don't know... i'm interested to see who they put with me on the unit- they sure are in for a treat with these girls... haha.

kristi learning how to shuck corn...

me being all domestic... i need bigger pots! i almost burned my potatoes for mashed potatoes cause this thing was too small!

scrambling to get extra water out of my pot...

what she looks like when she listens to garth brooks...

we went down to payson canyon to watch the big peak of the meteor shower... we got lost, my bumper fell off on the highway, i closed the car door on my face in my haste to not be pulled over on the side of the freeway in the dark because of said bumper... and the meteor shower was a little lame at the time we went up (the peak was between 2 and 4 a.m.) but we had a great time telling racist jokes and pretending that car headlights were shooting stars... michael, kristi, dallin, and dain...

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I will be here to play with you!!!

P.S. I found a table on craigslist for like $ looked nice, too!

P.P.S. You're cool! bye!

i see you too...