Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Isn't he looking into your soul?

This face, I am the luckiest person alive, to get to look at this face all day...

he is so magical, i wish i could bottle him up and hand him out to solve world problems and stuff. 

also, my boobies are on the internet. can i say boobies on here?
well i already did. you see, nat the fat rat challenged us nursing mamas to 

nurse free. 
and i did. well, i'll be honest, because of this rain, we didn't get out much, so the only public appearance i got was in the nursing room at church on sunday. but it was oh-so-nice to not wear that nursing cover (which i love cause it's so cute and my awesome bro-in-law made it for me) and to get to see my boy's face.  
i also nursed in front of people without it. namely some friends who came over and one of my visiting teachees... 

it's much better to go free, to give my baby what he needs and wants when he needs and wants, and not have to duck into a bathroom, or a basement, or cover him up with a blanket so he gets heat rash and just plain doesn't eat/like it.

i encourage all y'all who are nursing to try it. it's liberating to (discreetly) nurse free! you don't even have to show everyone your girls, but you just wait and see how much better it is!

wanna see the post that is my internet debut?


Jennifer Karyn said...

you're hilarious. Way to show your boobies.

Jennifer Karyn said...

that blog is funny. i can't believe how many women are feeing two kids...that are way too old. bleh.

Billy and Nathalie said...

Haha! This post is hilarious! Nursing in public is smtg I could never do, but smtg I might have to work on with his next one...

Tara:Damon said...

Why are you letting your boobies out on the internet? did they pay you? if so, do I get a cut?

Barrett Family said...

First of all, I LOVE that face too!!! He is adorable!!! I love the boobies comment. Brandon was hoping to see more skin. Can I say that??? Just did. We're good enough friends.

Natalie said...

ahh you're the best!!

i see you too...