Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friday 5 pm

Here's what it looked like at our place at 5 pm Friday...

mama needed her a dr. pepper. 

 Damon's new morning study area, and the root beer for our home made pizza

Damon's face when he gets home...

guess who didn't do any dishes. and had macaroni for lunch...

for real, we fill a trash can a day. we need a bigger one. ice cream maker still out, 5 days later...

baby taking a nap arched into his favorite weird contortion. 

he heard us talking about him...

happy samsung.

exciting stuff huh? apparently i do a whole not of not-housework all day long... mostly i just do this:


Tara:Damon said...

way to hold down the fort. My only question is why are the pictures so dark? Don't they have overhead lighting in Iowa? hehe

cHelsEy N mOrgAN said...

i like the non-housework you do because that last picture is SO CUTE!!!!

i see you too...