Saturday, October 2, 2010


The tornado sirens are going off right now. (Because the fire departments test them Saturday at noon to make sure they are ready to alert us good citizens in time of need)  We are watching General Conference, and the talks have already been so good.  We went to the farmer's market this morning and bought 8 jalapenos, 1 tomato, 1 summer squash, 1 cucumber, 9 honey apples,  and 2 green bell peppers.

 Last night Damon made chicken cordon bleu. YUM!  I haven't had it since freshman year, when CCB Sunday was my favorite Sunday of the month.  My friends and I would get there right when the Morris Center opened and go through the line, set our plate down, and then go through the line again before the rest of DT came rushing in, so we could get our seconds without having to wait half an hour in line.  That CCB was So Good. I've been craving it and talking about it since.  And last night Damon made it. And also rented the documentary Babies, which I have been wanting to see since it came out on Mother's day.  It was a great date night.  Last night he also felt the baby move finally.

I think October might be one of my very favorite months. Probably only second to that summer month when it gets warm enough to do everything outside and all the good fruit is in season and there is a holiday with fireworks- what month that is depends on where you live, I guess.  In Utah, it's July.  In Texas, it's May.  Anywho...

Man, I love having high's in the low 70's and being able to keep the apartment open all day and seeing leaves starting to change colors and hearing talk of halloween and Starbucks bringing around their Carmel Apple Spice. I could drink that nonstop all day every day.

I can't wait to start wearing these

And go to one of these:

(but don't worry, I've already been in a corn pool)

a snippet from President Uchtdorf's talk just now,
 " in family relationships, love is really spelled t-i-m-e. time"


Sara said...

i love you. your posts make me smile.

Helena said...

I had completely forgotten the Morris Center's Condon Bleu! Oh man, I LIVED for that Sunday.

And I think October is my favorite month, too. I loved it even before you posted that picture of the corn pool. But now? I love it even more.

i see you too...