Thursday, December 10, 2009

thanksgiving, etc...

just now getting around to putting these up, i realized i put the pictures on facebook, but not here. and since some are here and some are there, putting them up in both places gets confusing and i forget... but here's a little update, from right after our honeymoon till a couple of weeks ago...

our first night living together after our honeymoon... this is what happens when 2 photographers live together.  light refracting 101:

my  mom drove to utah from texas with all the furniture and stuff that my parents have been holding for me, and all our texas reception gifts.  here's damon thanksgiving morning, fixing stuff and putting together furniture:

the most glorious turkey i've ever made/tasted. my first turkey. thanks to, i learned all about the wonders of brining. so our bird sat in a bucket of salt/sugar/spices/citruses water for 24 hours before it roasted stuffed with lemons and onion and apples and oranges. and it came out so amazing that a week ago damon and i bought another turkey which is brining in our fridge as i type.

my mom, making her apple pie, and damon, with his favorite gift, the ice cream maker...

driving to spokane. i guess he lost his sunglasses.  as i took this picture, he said something like, "oh my gosh!  for that size??? that's such a good deal!!"  (pretty sure he was talking to his sis sharee about black friday shopping)

our christmas tree!  we had a home depot gift card and it got us a 5 footer. so cute and real is so worth the money for the smell...

our black friday buy. i demanded a dyson. because i'm a demanding wife. i hate vacuuming. but i love dysons.  so we went to shopko at 5 a.m. where this little beaut was on clearance.  we love him. his name is tyson the dyson. we get to vacuum up our christmas tree needles and stuff and it is so fun. even tyler likes to come over and empty the canister onto the living room carpet just to vacuum it up.

with the furniture we got from my dad our little apartment has really come together...

and we have about 20 pictures of the 2 of us all over. now we just need to print out wedding photos to put up too. oh, and i need to get around to making that tree topper and those stockings i keep saying i'm going to make.

a lot less messy and more homey than the last time you saw this, huh?  we even have a few shelves of, i call it , world junk.  china, mexico, africa, jerusalem, south america, all represented in trinkets galore.

oh, and we upgraded from joe's old tv to our awesome new hdtv. another black friday steal. this picture's kinda goofy cause i just took it with my macbook on photobooth so it's backwards.

so there's a little update, though not quite up to date. i still don't have the pictures from the ranch and honeymoon on my computer, they are on damon's and i've had some issues with my hard disc being full so i can't upload much more till i move some stuff to my external hard drive. so hopefully next time i can put up some of our fun ranch pictures of jeeping and 4 wheeling and hummer-ing and the festivities and our cruise and mexico.

until then, i'm out.

i see you too...